Configure Thermostat Schedules

Thermostat schedules are used to automatically control the temperature, helping save energy costs while you're away and keeping you comfortable while you are home or asleep. Thermostat schedules can be configured using the Brinks Home™ Desktop App or the Brinks Home Mobile App.

Configure Thermostat Schedules Using the Brinks Home Desktop App:

  1. Log in to the Brinks Home App.
  2. BHCP Landing

  3. Click Automation.
  4. 1 - Automation

  5. Click Schedules.
  6. 2 - Schedules

  7. Click the pencil icon (Edit) next to the Thermostat Schedule to edit.
  8. 3 - Edit

  9. Click Heat or Cool to select which schedule to edit.
  10. 5 - Heat or Cool

  11. Click the temperature arrows for Away (or Closed), Home (or Open), or Sleep (or Closing) to set target temperatures.
  12. 6 - Temperature Arrows

    Note: the names of these temperature settings change based on the Service Package type for your system. Commercial systems display Closed, Open, andClosing Up target temperature settings, while residential systems display Away, Home, and Sleep target temperature settings.

  13. To change the thermostat schedule type, in View, click either:
    • 5 & 2-Day to set a weekday and weekend schedule.
    • 7-Day to manage daily schedules independently.

    7 - View (Optional Days of Week)

  14. To change the number of schedule intervals for each day, in Settings Per Day click 2 or 4.
  15. 8 - 2 or 4 Intervals

  16. To change which temperature settings (i.e. Away, Home, Sleep, Custom, etc.) a schedule interval is set for:
    1. Click the temperature-setting icon on the schedule.
    2. 9 - temperature-setting icon

    3. Using the dropdown menu, select which temperature setting to set the interval.
    4. 10 - Drop down

    5. If Custom is selected, click the temperature arrows to set the Custom temperature for that interval.
    6. Click Ok.
  17. Click and drag the Temperature Setting icons across the schedule to specify the times at which the thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature.
  18. 11 - drag to change settings

  19. To apply the schedule to another day or thermostat, click Copy Schedule, then click either:

    12 - copy

    • Copy a Day to apply the schedule to another day of the week.
    • Copy a Full Schedule to apply the schedule to another thermostat.
  20. Click Save.
  21. 13 - Save

  22. Repeat the steps to edit the other mode (i.e. Heat or Cool) or any other thermostats.

Edit Thermostat Schedules Using the Brinks Home Mobile App:

  1. Log in to the Brinks Home Mobile App.
  2. Tap the menu icon (3 lines in the top left corner of the app.)
  3. 0b - BHMP Landing Menu

  4. Tap Thermostats.
  5. 1 - BHMP Menu Thermostats

  6. Tap Schedule On.
  7. 2bb - BHMP Land

  8. In the schedule section, tap On to turn on the thermostat's schedule, then tap Edit next to Cool or Heat to edit basic schedules.
  9. 3b - BHMP Settings

  10. Press the settings button (cog) at the bottom to access schedule type information.
  11. 4b - BHMP Settings cog

  12. Choose between 2 or 4 to set your desired number of setpoints.
  13. 6c - BHMP Number of Setpoints

  14. Choose between schedule types as follows:
    • 5-2 Day to set a weekday and weekend schedule, or
    • 7 Day to manage daily schedules independently.

    6b - BHMP Schedule Type

  15. To change the temperature setting (i.e. Away, Home, Sleep, Custom, etc.) an interval is set to, tap the temperature setting icon next to the interval to adjust, and then tap the desired temperature setting to change.
  16. 8 - drag temperature

  17. Tap Apply to save your settings.

  18. 7 - Apply