Lynx Touch - Set Time and Date

1. Press SECURITY then press bottom right MORE tab

Lynx Touch screen with the Security button circled Lynx Touch screen with the More button circled

2. Press TOOLS then enter Master Code

Lynx Touch screen with the Tools button circled Lynx Touch screen with a keypad visible to enter the Master Code

3. Press DATE TIME then press to select Day

Lynx Touch screen with the Date Time button circled Lynx Touch screen with a calendar visible and the first of the month circled

4. Press < or > buttons to set the Month then Year then press DOWN ARROW

Lynx Touch screen with a calendar visible and left and right arrows circled Lynx Touch screen with a calendar visible and the down arrow circled

5. Press CLEAR then enter Time then press AM/PM then press SAVE then BACK to exit

Lynx Touch screen with the time visible and the AM/PM and Save buttons circled Lynx Touch screen with the Back button circled