Lynx Touch—Add User Code

1. Press SECURITY then press bottom right MORE tab

The Lynx Touch panel screen with the Security button circled The Lynx Touch panel Security screen with the More button circled

2. Press TOOLS then enter the Master Code

The Lynx Touch panel Security screen page 2 with the Tools button circled The Lynx Touch panel screen with a keypad displayed for the Master Code

3. Press USERS then press ADD NEW button

The Lynx Touch panel Tools screen with the Users button circled The Lynx Touch panel Users screen with the Add New button circled

4. Press NAME then enter up to 10 character name then press DONE

The Lynx Touch panel User screen with the Name field and User 3 circled The Lynx Touch panel User screen with a QWERTY keyboard displayed, Bill entered as a name, and the Done circled

5. Press USER CODE then enter new User Code then press DONE

The Lynx Touch panel User screen with the blank User Code field circled The Lynx Touch panel User screen with a keypad displayed for a User Code, 1960 shown, and the Done button circled

6. Press SAVE to exit then press BACK

The Lynx Touch panel User screen with the User Name and Code filled in and the Save button circled The Lynx Touch panel User screen with all users shown and the counterclockwise arrow Back button circled

7. Press bottom right BACK tab or the HOME button to exit

The Lynx Touch panel screen with the Back button circled A close up of the Lynx Touch panel with the plastic button with a Home icon circled